Guide (with code): Using OpenMP for shared memory parallelism in C (2024)

Guide on using OpenMP for efficient shared memory parallelism in C, including setup and best practices.

Paul Norvig


December 29, 2023


I’ve been working with OpenMP on a daily basis for the past half years, trying to push beyond the basics to really squeeze out all the performance I can get. Learning how to use tasks, diving into vectorization, and figuring out thread affinity has opened up quite some new ways to make my code run faster. I’ve also come to appreciate the less-talked-about directives, like collapse, and runtime functions for fine-tuning how my parallel code behaves. More on all this below, include code examples.

Introduction to Shared Memory Parallelism and OpenMP

In high-performance computing, shared memory parallelism plays a crucial role. Equipping oneself with tools like OpenMP revolutionizes how we harness the power of multi-core processors. We step away from the era of single-threaded limitations and embrace the full potentials of our hardware. To the uninitiated, preparing for this shift can be daunting. But worry not; OpenMP is a friendly beast, and here’s how I’ve tamed it for shared memory parallelism.

OpenMP stands for Open Multi-Processing, and it’s an API designed specifically for shared memory programming. It simplifies writing parallel codes by providing a set of compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables that can influence run-time behavior. To get down to brass tacks, imagine C code being executed simultaneously across various CPU cores without the headache of managing threads manually. That’s exactly OpenMP’s forte.

#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello, parallel world!\n");
return 0;

Above is the “Hello, World!” of OpenMP. By including omp.h and using the #pragma omp parallel directive, we instruct the compiler to execute the following block with multiple threads. The actual number of threads depends on the system and any further specifications we might add. Running that simple code snippet produces multiple greetings to the parallel world, each from a separate thread.

Perusing through forums like Hackernews and Reddit, I’ve noticed a common misconception among beginners: the belief that parallelism is inherently complex. While that can be true for low-level threading libraries, OpenMP’s beauty lies in its simplicity. When I began parallelizing my C code, a revelation dawned on me: I was overthinking it. OpenMP abstracts away the nitty-gritty details, leaving us free to focus on our algorithms’ parallelizable sections.

Beyond just firing off a bunch of “Hello” messages, OpenMP really shines when we apply it to computationally intensive problems. Take a simple for loop designed to fill an array with data:

#define ARRAY_SIZE 1000000
int arr[ARRAY_SIZE];

int main() {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
arr[i] = 2 * i;
return 0;

This #pragma omp parallel for directive divides the loop’s iterations among available threads. Without writing a single line of thread management code, we’ve distributed the workload. Each thread operates on its chunk of the array, and they all run concurrently.

Remember, though—parallelism doesn’t come free. Overhead, synchronization issues, and data races are real challenges. However, these are topics you’ll explore in depth in the upcoming sections, concerning synchronization and advanced features of OpenMP.

Lastly, there’s plenty of authoritative material available online. The official OpenMP website and related GitHub repositories provide excellent starting points for deeper understanding and up-to-date implementations. Looking at educational resources from universities that delve into parallel computing using OpenMP is enlightening as well—for instance, many university courses offer their lecture notes and example codes to the public.

While our exploration of shared memory parallelism with OpenMP barely scratches the surface, this introduction should serve as a sturdy launchpad for your parallel programming endeavors. Keep experimenting, dissecting code examples, and soon enough, you’ll find that embracing multi-threaded paradigms in C is less of a herculean task and more of an exhilarating journey.

Setting Up the OpenMP Environment in C

Getting OpenMP up and running in your C environment doesn’t have to be daunting. Trust me, I’ve been there, trying to figure out all the nuts and bolts, and once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty straightforward. Here’s what you need to know to set up the stage for some parallel processing action.

First things first, you’ll need a compiler that supports OpenMP. GCC has got your back here. To check if you’ve got it installed, pop open your terminal and type:

gcc --version

If you’ve got it, great! If not, you’ll need to install it or upgrade to a version that supports OpenMP. You can get GCC from GNU’s website or use a package manager like apt or brew depending on your system.

Now, the thing you need is the OpenMP flag during compilation, which is -fopenmp. Let’s write a basic C program to show you how to compile it with OpenMP support. Create a file named hello_openmp.c and add the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>

int main() {
#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello, OpenMP from thread %d\n", omp_get_thread_num());
return 0;

Compile it using this command:

gcc -o hello_openmp -fopenmp hello_openmp.c

And there you go! Running the executable with ./hello_openmp should spit out a greeting from each thread OpenMP decides to throw at the problem.

Let’s set some environment variables. Knowing these is super handy as they affect how OpenMP programs run. For example, you might want to control the number of threads. Set OMP_NUM_THREADS before running your program, like this:


This tells OpenMP to use 4 threads. If you don’t specify it, OpenMP picks a number based on what it thinks is best, which is usually equivalent to the number of cores your processor has.

Error checking is important too. To see OpenMP’s inner workings and possibly catch bugs related to parallel execution, you can set OMP_DISPLAY_ENV to be true:

export OMP_DISPLAY_ENV=true

This will print out OpenMP environment variables as your program starts—super helpful for debugging.

Lastly, writing code that can run on any number of threads dynamically is essential. For this, you can query the number of threads inside the program with omp_get_num_threads():

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>

int main() {
int num_threads;
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
printf("Number of threads = %d\n", num_threads);
// Rest of the parallel region...
return 0;

This code will tell you exactly how many threads are working under the hood each time you run the program.

And that’s the quick tour! Learning by doing is key with OpenMP; the more you play with it, the more you’ll understand its nuances. Stick with it, and you’ll be writing parallel C programs like it’s your second language. Now, you’re all set to start leveraging the power of OpenMP in your C programs. Let those cores get to work!

Core OpenMP Directives for Parallelism

OpenMP provides a handful of directives that turn blocks of code into parallel regions, where tasks are distributed among threads. This enables our programs to leverage multi-core processors effectively and efficiently. My hands-on experience with these directives has shown that they’re relatively straightforward to use, and they can drastically improve performance on the right kind of problems.

First things first: The #pragma omp parallel directive is your entry point to parallel execution. It tells the compiler to spawn a team of threads, and each thread executes the code block that follows.

#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello from thread %d\n", omp_get_thread_num());

Here, every thread runs the printf. Since I’m not specifying the number of threads, OpenMP decides based on the environment or system defaults.

Now, if I want all threads to run through a loop in parallel, #pragma omp for is the way to go. This directive splits the loop’s iterations among the available threads.

#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Loop work here

To streamline, OpenMP allows the combination of directives. I can merge parallel and for into #pragma omp parallel for, which both initiates a parallel region and divides loop iterations among threads.

#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Loop work here

Sometimes, I need to perform a reduction during a parallel loop—like summing values. The reduction clause works in tandem with the loop directives.

int sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum += array[i];

Here, each thread gets a private copy of sum, does the local addition, and then combines them at the end. The +: indicates I’m doing a sum; other operations like *, max, and min also work.

There’s also the scenario of needing threads to run different parts or cases of code. The #pragma omp sections directive fits perfectly here.

#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
// Code for the first section
#pragma omp section
// Code for the second section

Every section is run by one thread, and it’s ideal for scenarios where you have distinctly different tasks that can run in parallel.

A common requirement is to perform a task in the beginning or end of a parallel region, but only once, like initializing a variable or summing up a total. That’s where the #pragma omp single and #pragma omp master are useful.

#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
// Code here runs once, and the thread waits for the others

#pragma omp master
// Code here runs once, on the master thread, without waiting

While master allows the code to execute only on the master thread, single can execute on any single thread but will block the others until the section is finished.

These directives form the core of my parallelization toolkit when using OpenMP in C, often transforming the way code utilizes CPU resources. I recommend starting with these, then exploring more advanced features like tasking or using OpenMP in C++ for even greater control and efficiency. The official OpenMP specification ( and examples on GitHub ( are excellent resources to delve deeper into these topics.

Synchronization and Data Sharing in OpenMP

Synchronization and data sharing in OpenMP are crucial when it comes to avoiding race conditions and ensuring that threads cooperate correctly. I’ve grappled with these issues firsthand, and trust me, understanding the fundamentals of synchronization is key to getting the most out of parallel programming.

Let’s talk about the #pragma omp critical section. This ensures that only one thread at a time executes a particular section of code. Imagine you’re updating a shared variable, such as a counter—it’s vital that only one thread updates it at a time to prevent any mishaps.

int counter = 0;
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp critical

However, overusing critical sections can lead to performance bottlenecks, so use them judiciously!

Next up: barriers. A #pragma omp barrier forces all threads to wait until each has reached the barrier point before any can proceed. This is akin to herding cats to ensure everyone arrives at a meeting point before moving on. Barriers are inserted implicitly at the end of parallel regions, but sometimes you need explicit control.

#pragma omp parallel
// First phase
// ...

#pragma omp barrier

// Second phase
// ...

Let’s not overlook atomic operations. When I only need to synchronize access to a single memory location—say, incrementing a counter—#pragma omp atomic comes to the rescue. It’s lighter than a critical section and perfectly suited for operations such as increments or updates.

int count = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
#pragma omp atomic

And what about sharing data between threads? OpenMP has a shared clause to declare variables shared across threads. This way, when I alter the variable in one thread, the change is visible to all other threads.

int sharedData = 0;
#pragma omp parallel shared(sharedData)
// All threads can access and modify sharedData

Conversely, the private clause gives each thread its own copy of a variable. I use this when I don’t want threads to step on each other’s toes by modifying the same data.

#pragma omp parallel private(privateData)
// Each thread has its own instance of privateData

Last but not least, OpenMP’s reduction clause. It’s brilliant for combining results from each thread. Let’s say we’re summing elements of an array; each thread sums a part of the array, and then OpenMP combines these sums into a final result.

int sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sum += array[i];

Getting the hang of these synchronization and data sharing methods totally transformed my approach to parallel programming in C. They may seem simple, but they lay the groundwork for complex and efficient parallel operations.

For more detailed examples and an in-depth understanding of OpenMP, you might want to check out resources like the official OpenMP specification or explore some Github repositories where developers use these features in real-world projects. Getting your hands dirty with actual code is truly the best way to learn.

Advanced OpenMP Features and Performance Tips

Having explored the fundamentals of OpenMP, I want to share some advanced features and performance tips that have significantly improved the efficiency of my parallel programs. OpenMP is powerful, but tapping into that power requires a bit more than just the basics.

Exploiting Task Parallelism with task and taskwait

OpenMP 3.0 introduced tasking, an extremely useful addition for irregular parallelism or when the number of tasks isn’t known beforehand. Instead of splitting for-loops, tasks delegate work dynamically.

#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp taskwait

Here, #pragma omp task generates a task for each iteration, and process(i) could be any function. The enclosing single directive ensures that one thread creates all tasks to avoid unnecessary overhead.

Vectorization with simd

Vectorization is a potent technique allowing CPUs to compute multiple operations simultaneously. The simd directive instructs the compiler to vectorize the loop if possible.

#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
array[i] = array[i] * scalar;

This is where you need to trust the compiler, but also check the output (such as with -fopt-info-vec in GCC) to ensure vectorization is happening.

Controlling Thread Affinity for Performance

Setting thread affinity means binding threads to specific CPUs. This can significantly affect performance, especially on NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) systems. I specify affinity in the environment variable like this:

export OMP_PLACES=cores
export OMP_PROC_BIND=close

OMP_PLACES=cores arranges threads over cores, not logical processors, which is crucial for avoiding performance hits due to hyperthreading. OMP_PROC_BIND=close means that threads will be placed close to the master thread, maximizing cache reuse.

Reducing Overhead with collapse

The collapse directive can be a game-changer for nested loops. It collapses multi-level loops into a single loop, which can boost the performance by increasing the workload for each thread.

#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int i = 0; i < dim1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dim2; j++) {
computation(i, j);

This is particularly effective when the outer loop iteration count is too small to fully utilize all threads.

Environment Variables and Runtime Functions

OpenMP’s behavior can be fine-tuned through environment variables like OMP_NUM_THREADS and OMP_SCHEDULE, but sometimes I need adaptability during runtime. That’s where functions like omp_set_num_threads and omp_set_schedule come into play.

omp_set_dynamic(0); // Disable dynamic teams
omp_set_num_threads(4); // Use 4 threads for all parallel regions

Remember that these settings affect subsequent parallel regions, so it’s all about context. Knowing how and when to use them can enhance flexibility and performance.

In conclusion, while OpenMP abstracts much of the complexity of parallel programming, mastering its advanced features unlocks the raw power of modern multi-core processors. The journey from an OpenMP beginner to an expert is an iterative process. Start with core concepts, progressively tackle more complex directives, and always pay close attention to the performance implications of your choices. With practice and patience, these advanced techniques will become valuable tools in your parallel programming arsenal.